Tuesday 9 September 2008

Gilmore Girls: Season Seven

gilmore girls
When Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman Palladino left the show after Season 6 the writers were tasked with a difficult job, digging the show out of an extremely deep hole. And I think they pulled of off wonderfully, in Season 6 everything went a bit shits up for EVERY character, (as a friend mentioned to me, this is very much similar to Buffy's Sixth season, only not as good) they definitely has to lighten up the mood and almost get the plot going again , bring back the fun if you will. Each major character feels as if they have a direction, all except Lorelai, the course of her character does take a left turn during the middle of the season, for better or for worse? I'm not sure. Though saying that I really did love this season, lots of the characters seem to have grown up (especially Lane). Not to say to the snappy fast paced dialog and pop culture references aren't still there, oh they are, but just enough has changed with characters and plot to make it REALLY feel like the final season. So when all is said and done and finale is just around the corner you feel yourself trying to delay it for a while only knowing that you have to watch it.
RoryAnd so saying goodbye was hard, but the last episode was sheer brilliance in my opinion giving such a wonderful and fitting end to an amazing series, and this may sound silly but part of me hopes they don't do a TV movie/special because the series is great where it is. Long live the Gilmore Girls.